Thursday, 10 January 2013

3's A Charm

I can easily and happily say that the past 3 nights have been wonderful.  Last night, my Dad came over for supper and to spend the night.  This has been happening every couple of weeks for a few months now and it's a great quick catch up for us and always good to have him over... Nixon loves it too!

Last night we found ourselves in the midst of a nasty snowstorm so we stayed in and....


I am so excited about this.  It was a lot of research and phone calls and emails but we finally did it and it's one less thing that I need to worry about which means I can now solely focus on all the little details of the wedding!

I will tell you all about our honeymoon as soon as we inform a few very important people what decision we make.  There's nothing worse than finding out information online when you should have been told personally!  Damn technology!

I found this photo today that I thought was so perfect and if I found one or had the time and energy, I would create it myself and hang it in our house.  It's something I say often to Travis and to myself.  Funny enough, Travis mentioned this morning how much work it is to make a healthy lunch for work and I'm pretty sure I replied with "it's all worth it in the end".  

I've found so many great photos this week thanks to The Berry and I look forward to sharing them soon! 

Have a great Thursday evening, eat healthy and get some exercise, you will thank yourself later!  NO EXCUSES!

On a super plus side... tomorrow is FRIDAY!

~ Christine

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