So much has happened in such a short amount of time. I thought January would play out to be a quieter month of wedding planning but I was very wrong.
Travis and I have both battled illnesses, including the Norovirus. I'm still feeling the affects of it a week later. Travis is back to his usual self and has been keeping himself busy on his 6 days off. We spent a lot of time sleeping and Nixon was gracious enough to do the same and leave us be while we were sick.
Friday, January 18, 2013 marked the 3 year anniversary of Chad's death. We decided to honour him by spending that night with all of his/ours closest friends and it turned out to be a great evening. Thank you to everyone who came out to the house and shared this evening with us.
Friday had also marked the 2 year anniversary since we moved into Chad's house in Sylvan Lake, Alberta. It's crazy how time flies.
We have much to be thankful for and lots to look forward too.
Travis and I are back in full swing planning the wedding. We are coming up on the 4 month countdown on February 1, 2013 which is just over a week away. We are well on track and following a strict schedule of everything that needs to be completed.
On Thursday, I will be flying out of Calgary to Winnipeg to spend some time with my parents and perhaps even my Dad's brother Steve who is in Winnipeg for a visit. One of our tasks will be to find Mom's dress for our wedding... she's already on the ball and has already purchased her dress for Keith and Allie's wedding which will be on March 28, 2014 in Las Vegas!
Travis and I will also be heading back to Winnipeg on March 15, 2013 to finalize some of the bigger details of the wedding with our suppliers. We will be driving and taking Nixon with us and hopefully bring some of the wedding decor to leave at Mom and Dad's.
And while I'm revealing everything that we have on the go... I'm really excited to finally tell you guys what we are doing for our honeymoon.
We will be flying to Seattle 7 days after the wedding from Calgary and embarking at the Seattle Port and it will be a return trip to Alaska and back to Seattle. We will be on the cruise for 7 days! We couldn't be happier about this decision and we are definitely getting really anxious to go!
And apparently today is Blue Monday and the most depressing day of the year, however, I'm in pretty good spirits and looking forward to a busy but productive evening starting with a bang trim, supper, exercise and wedding stuff... Enjoy your evenings and don't let this Monday make you blue!
~ Christine
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