Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Sealed, Stamped and Ready

It's Tuesday which means it's kind of like my Wednesday because I'm off on Friday! haha.

Travis is back to work tomorrow which actually sucks for me because he's been doing lots around the house on his days off and now he won't have time. 

Last night we finished the last of the wedding invitations, they are ready to be mailed!  YAY.  I knew this was a big job but I didn't realize how much was ultimately going to go into it.  There was so many things to consider:

How big do we want them?
What kind of paper do we want to use?
How much was everything going to cost?
How much do they weigh?
How many stamps do we need?
Proper wording etiquette.
Which way does the invitation face in the envelope?
Do you put the RSVP card in it's envelope or in it's fold?
Making sure that all names were spelled correct.
Making sure that addresses were correct.
Making sure all RSVP envelopes have a stamp.

In the end we ended up putting together 102 envelopes and are ultimately inviting 240 people.

These numbers are scary in the sense that there's always a possibly that all 240 people show up or only 50 people show up.  It's extremely confusing to not know how many people might come!  So from now until April 15, 2013 when we've asked to have the RSVP cards back, we are playing a guessing game as to how many people will be joining us on our big day!

None the less, I'm thrilled that they are complete and will be mailed out next week which will allow all of our guests plenty of time to book travel and accommodations since the vast majority of our guest list will be out of town guests.

I have to give huge thanks to Travis for helping me get them ready and having patience with me in the past few days when I didn't have much to spare.

~ Christine

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