Friday, 24 May 2013

We're Off!!!!!!

It has been 376 days since Travis got down on one knee to asked me to spend the rest of my life him!

In just a few short hours, we will be leaving work to go home and get the camper hitched up and pick up our Mr. Nixon for our big drive to Winnipeg.

I can't wait to get there and see how the week unravels!  We are anxious for our friends and family to start pouring into the big city.  And for those in my family that are traveling from Northern Ontario... you can thank us for having our wedding in Winnipeg because I know it's snowing where you are right now and Winnipeg has some pretty great weather going on! :)

We are cool as cucumbers and calm as bombs!  Travis is a little freaked out at how calm I have been in the past couple weeks... it's pretty funny.  But then again, my entire professional background is event planning or coordinating so this wedding stuff is right up my alley!  It's been great to be able to leave a full week before the wedding because we had no choice but to be as prepared and organized as possible which has definitely reduced the stress level in our household.

On the other hand, Nixon seems a little freaked out by all of the packing that we've been doing.  He seemed a little upset with me this morning when I left the house and I think he thought I was going to leave him and never come back but lucky for him... he gets to go on this journey with us... at least for half of it.  Unfortunately, we can't take him to Alaska with us.

Here's to a great drive back to Winnipeg... rain or shine and the beginning of the rest of our lives. :)

~ Love Christine

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

May Long 2013

Turns out May Long can be great even if you don't go camping!

Travis and I had a great weekend even though he spent some of it working and me working on wedding stuff and cleaning.  

Thank you to Pat and Allison for having everyone over Saturday for a great bbq and fire.  The food was delicious and it was great to spend the night with all our friends even if we weren't out camping.

And despite all of the horrible weather forecasts... it turned out to be an absolutely beautiful weekend from start to finish.  

We got lots accomplished around the house and were able to get the camper ready for the long haul to Winnipeg with everything in it functioning now! 

Yesterday, I got to have some R&R in the camper parked out front of our house while Travis got everything in working order.  It was a great way for me to relax and I got to take some great photos.  And I might have watched the back of my eyelids for a bit... :)  

We were also able to go for some great bike rides and take Nixon swimming in Sylvan Lake! 

Overall, I'm feeling pretty relaxed despite the wedding being 11 days away and us leaving on Friday! 

You could say I'm freaking out because I'm not freaking out! haha

My dad is stopping by tonight for a visit which is a great distraction for us and Nixon loves it when he comes over.  And lucky for him... and thanks to us.. he only has to work 1 week straight instead of 2! :)  

Other than that... I'm expecting a busy week before we hit the road and I think everything will set in once we get to Winnipeg!

~ Love Christine

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Single Digits

One of our countdowns has reached single digits!

9 DAYS until we leave for Winnipeg and only 16 days until our wedding day!

Last night, we went out for drinks and wings at Bo's in Red Deer with a few our my co-workers and met up with a friend of ours.  When we got home, I decided it was time to start packing up the camper.  It's maybe a little early but sometimes you just can't wait!  It was good for us to see where we're at and what's left to do and to get all of the wedding stuff out of the house and out of my way!  

Everything is coming together everywhere.  Mom and Dad are almost ready for all of our family and friends to get to Winnipeg, the girls in Timmins are getting their dresses altered this week, the tuxes are all ordered... everything is going pretty smooth these days! 

On a side note, one of my favourite things to do throughout the summer is to go to the Farmer's Market in Sylvan Lake which is definitely something that I will be missing when we move to Red Deer.  Lucky for me, there's a Farmer's Market in Red Deer and also one in Bentley where we can go and meet up with our friends!  

Anyway... the Farmer's Market is opening tomorrow which is going to be a great start to my weekend... fresh fruits and veggies, and maybe some farmer's sausage.  I'll be getting our weekend groceries there for sure... and maybe a few sweet treats!  I can't wait! 

That's about all for now, but I thought I'd end with this hilarious RSVP card that I wish I would've seen 6 months ago... cause I probably would have sent it!   ENJOY!

~ Love Christine

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

So Close...

We are 18 days away from our big day and only 11 days from actually being in Winnipeg!

As per usual, things are coming together as we finalize everything and get ready for packing!

We will be making the big trip with our truck and our camper and Mr. Nixon too of course.  I'm looking forward to having Monday off (Victoria Day) to get the camper loaded up and ready for the road. 

It has been my goal for the past year to be ready for the wedding early enough that we could spend May Long Weekend camping with our friends but it's a lot of work to get the camper ready for camping as well as a trip across a couple provinces so we've decided that it's best to stay put for May Long which is okay too!

I'm really pleased that we are pretty much ready to go and that maybe we can have a few days of relaxing here and there in the next week and a half!  

And as all this is going on, we are still extremely excited to board our cruise to Alaska!  This is sure to be the best vacation we've ever had!  We have just booked our hotel to spend the night before we leave in Seattle which should be great and we are also planning our shore excursions which we are both looking forward too!  The camera will be ready and you can be certain that I will be taking hundreds of photos.

On the same note, we are also sad to leave Nixon at Freedom House for the week we're in Alaska but we know that he'll be well taken care of and he will have a blast and then when we get back, it will be just a few short weeks before we move into our new home and Nixon can start loving up his big backyard and suntan on the deck!

I should also make mention that this weekend we celebrated our friend Tammy's birthday!  There were 8 of us ladies that went out for dinner and drinks at Moxie's and surprising Tammy at home, giving her about an hour to get ready for a night out on the town.  Tammy's husband Leigh planned the whole surprise for her and she deserved it!  She just recently went back to work part-time, has 2 little ones at home, has been dealing with so much with her family and is often left home alone while Leigh travels internationally for work!  It was great for her to be able to get out with the girls, get a little tipsy and have no worries!  

This was a picture taken at the International Brewhouse where we stopped for a round of shots before getting back into our limo!

It was great to get out for the evening while our men stayed back with the kids and dogs!  And despite our consumption of alcohol, some of us managed to run 5km, entertain guests, clean, do laundry and still be productive! :)

~ Love Christine

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Welcome to 3321 42A Avenue Close

Welcome to our new home!

Our little bungalow sits on a huge corner pie lot in a small close surrounded by big beautiful mature trees and sweet little rabbits!

Our new address is 3321 42A Avenue Close... cause that's not confusing or difficult to tell somebody.

Our huge backyard filled with mature trees, tons of perennials, and way in the back there's space for our camper, a garden shed and so much more!

The front entrance.  The main floor boasts original hardwood floors that have been refinished.

Our living room window that I absolutely love - it fills the main living space with tons of natural light!

Living room, dining room, kitchen - surprisingly open concept considering that the house was built in 1962.

Our kitchen, with all new cabinets, and tons of storage space.

Our basement has beautiful laminate floors - great for Nixon's destructive paws, a wood burning stove - Travis' favorite feature, it has lots of space and a large 4th bedroom.

The back of our house featuring a 2 tier deck - perfect for bbqs, entertaining and lounging around.


In a nutshell, that's our new home and we can't wait to move in and make it our own.   We are still a little unsure as to what our move in date will be, but I will keep you posted!

~ Love Christine

Wednesday, 8 May 2013


Welcome Back To The Temple Of Love!

It has been brought to my attention on more than one occasion that I should get back to writing on my blog so I figured... there's no time like the present!

It seems that I have taken a couple months hiatus from it and I do miss it but it's been an insanely busy couple of months so I feel like that's my excuse. 

So let the updating begin... starting with a new look for the blog.

Since February, Travis and I have been working on wedding plans which are finally coming to an end in just a short couple of weeks. 

The wedding is 24 days away and might I just say... Thank God! 

As excited as we are to get married and celebrate our big day, we're equally as excited for this process to be  over so that we can relax and enjoy married life and journey onto our honeymoon.

We're actually heading off to Winnipeg in just 16 days, which will put us there a week before the wedding.  This will hopefully allow for some last minute finishes and some relaxing down time with our friends and family who will be slowly pouring into good ol' Winnipeg as June 1st approaches. 

All of the wedding planning has been going well and there's only a few more things to tie up, mostly just confirmations of hotels, transportation, guest numbers... etc. 

And because I am who I am... we also made a huge decision in the past couple months that we are ready to move out of Sylvan Lake and into our own home in Red Deer.  

So our last, greatest, big news is...


After 3 months of endless research, seeing about 50 houses, testing our patience, testing the willpower of our wonderful realtor, we finally found what we believe to be the perfect home to start our new life as a married couple!

We take possession on July 2nd, the day before Travis' birthday... It's a really expensive birthday present! haha.  July 2nd is 17 days after we get back from our honeymoon in Alaska so we will have 2 weeks to pack... there won't be any packing before the wedding! 

It was an uphill battle to find a nice, sturdy home, good neighborhood, right price...etc... but we did it and it was well worth all the time, energy, blood, sweat and tears that went into the process.  

Stay tuned for photos and some of the renos and changes will be doing to make this house our home! 

And honestly, the wedding and house hunting has completely consumed our lives for the past couple months so that's all the updating I have for you guys.

We are enjoying the new spring weather that we've been getting and cannot wait to get back out camping as soon as we can.  We hope to get one camping weekend in for May long weekend, but it's going to be tough with Travis' work schedule and packing for our big trip to Winnipeg.  We will just have to wait and see what happens. 

~ Love Christine