Friday, 24 May 2013

We're Off!!!!!!

It has been 376 days since Travis got down on one knee to asked me to spend the rest of my life him!

In just a few short hours, we will be leaving work to go home and get the camper hitched up and pick up our Mr. Nixon for our big drive to Winnipeg.

I can't wait to get there and see how the week unravels!  We are anxious for our friends and family to start pouring into the big city.  And for those in my family that are traveling from Northern Ontario... you can thank us for having our wedding in Winnipeg because I know it's snowing where you are right now and Winnipeg has some pretty great weather going on! :)

We are cool as cucumbers and calm as bombs!  Travis is a little freaked out at how calm I have been in the past couple weeks... it's pretty funny.  But then again, my entire professional background is event planning or coordinating so this wedding stuff is right up my alley!  It's been great to be able to leave a full week before the wedding because we had no choice but to be as prepared and organized as possible which has definitely reduced the stress level in our household.

On the other hand, Nixon seems a little freaked out by all of the packing that we've been doing.  He seemed a little upset with me this morning when I left the house and I think he thought I was going to leave him and never come back but lucky for him... he gets to go on this journey with us... at least for half of it.  Unfortunately, we can't take him to Alaska with us.

Here's to a great drive back to Winnipeg... rain or shine and the beginning of the rest of our lives. :)

~ Love Christine

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