Wednesday 8 May 2013


Welcome Back To The Temple Of Love!

It has been brought to my attention on more than one occasion that I should get back to writing on my blog so I figured... there's no time like the present!

It seems that I have taken a couple months hiatus from it and I do miss it but it's been an insanely busy couple of months so I feel like that's my excuse. 

So let the updating begin... starting with a new look for the blog.

Since February, Travis and I have been working on wedding plans which are finally coming to an end in just a short couple of weeks. 

The wedding is 24 days away and might I just say... Thank God! 

As excited as we are to get married and celebrate our big day, we're equally as excited for this process to be  over so that we can relax and enjoy married life and journey onto our honeymoon.

We're actually heading off to Winnipeg in just 16 days, which will put us there a week before the wedding.  This will hopefully allow for some last minute finishes and some relaxing down time with our friends and family who will be slowly pouring into good ol' Winnipeg as June 1st approaches. 

All of the wedding planning has been going well and there's only a few more things to tie up, mostly just confirmations of hotels, transportation, guest numbers... etc. 

And because I am who I am... we also made a huge decision in the past couple months that we are ready to move out of Sylvan Lake and into our own home in Red Deer.  

So our last, greatest, big news is...


After 3 months of endless research, seeing about 50 houses, testing our patience, testing the willpower of our wonderful realtor, we finally found what we believe to be the perfect home to start our new life as a married couple!

We take possession on July 2nd, the day before Travis' birthday... It's a really expensive birthday present! haha.  July 2nd is 17 days after we get back from our honeymoon in Alaska so we will have 2 weeks to pack... there won't be any packing before the wedding! 

It was an uphill battle to find a nice, sturdy home, good neighborhood, right price...etc... but we did it and it was well worth all the time, energy, blood, sweat and tears that went into the process.  

Stay tuned for photos and some of the renos and changes will be doing to make this house our home! 

And honestly, the wedding and house hunting has completely consumed our lives for the past couple months so that's all the updating I have for you guys.

We are enjoying the new spring weather that we've been getting and cannot wait to get back out camping as soon as we can.  We hope to get one camping weekend in for May long weekend, but it's going to be tough with Travis' work schedule and packing for our big trip to Winnipeg.  We will just have to wait and see what happens. 

~ Love Christine

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